Stevenage Sports Acrobatics Club
Stevenage Sports Acrobatics Club

Leadership Academy

What is the academy?

In short, it’s like the Duke of Edinburgh Award scheme but for gymnastics.


Our Leadership Academy is open to any members over the age of 11. Each academy is supervised by an Academy Captain, for SSAC this is coach Lisa Lavelle


As part of the scheme the gymnast will need to complete 5 areas and each area has 3 parts; Bronze, Silver and Gold levels. The 5 areas are:


1. My Learning – ‘Increase your knowledge’ - All young leaders over the age of 11 can take part in ‘Intro to’ coaching and judging courses and once they are 14 they can follow the proficiency training. These are all one day courses. When the gymnast is 16, they can take a level 1 qualification.


2. My Volunteering – ‘Gain Experience’ - As part of the scheme the young leaders have to get involved and volunteer at a variety of events from club competitions to national events. We recently took a team of 7 leaders to the Gymnastics World Cup in Birmingham.


3. My Future – ‘Think about where you are going’ - Plan and think about your future and set short term goals, then aim to achieve the goals.


4. My Project – ‘Do something and make an impact’ - Plan and complete a project. As part of this, the SSAC Leadership Academy has successfully run 3 low level tumbling competitions.


5. My Development – ‘Learn from others’ - Identify a role model in the club and work alongside them, gaining knowledge and experience of how to coach.



If you or your gymnasts would like to be part of the Academy, address your interest to Andrea Allen via the contact us form.

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